Shop Polices

Processing Time

  • The time needed to fill an order varies from 1-3 business days.

Estimated Shipping Time

  • All shipping is sent through the USPS and UPS.
  • North America: estimated 3-10 days
  • For details, see the processing time displayed at checkout, or on your order confirmation email.

Shipping FAQ

  • Yes, we ship internationally!
  • Buyers are responsible for providing an accurate and up-to-date shipping address.
  • If an item is not delivered to the buyer because of an inaccurate shipping address, please email us at, and you will be refunded for the order in the form of a gift card, minus the shipping fee and $5 processing fee
  •  Once your order has shipped, you will then receive your tracking information, but please allow a few days for the tracking information to update. (Tracking is not available on sticker orders unless they are added to a larger order like with apparel.)

Customs and Import Taxes

  • Buyers are responsible for any customs and import taxes that may apply. We are not responsible for delays due to customs.

Returns, Exchanges, & Cancellations

  • At this time, returns, exchanges, and cancellations are not accepted.
  • If there is an issue with your order, please make sure to email within 10 days of delivery to fix any issues & concerns.